
Friday, March 21, 2008

World Wide EW Conference

Date: May 28-30, 2008
Location: Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska

USSTRATCOM/J3 and the AOC present the WORLD-WIDE ELECTRONIC WARFARE CONFERENCE 2008, held at the Dougherty Conference Center at Offutt Air Force Base Omaha, Nebraska

Overall Conference objective is to surface and share EW initiatives, issues and challenges within COCOMs and components and to establish a vision and strategy for EW in the 21st Century. Primary themes for the conference may include:

        - COCOM/Services current events/initiatives updates
        - Maximizing capabilities by improving the contributions of EW warfare to Cyber warfare
        - Joint Staff/OSD current initiatives and issues

Joint EW advocacies strategies for the 21st Century.  Signup early space is limited to 130!

Conference Classification: SECRET

Click on the following link for further information:

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